Thursday, 18 December 2014

How to break windows password ?

Picture of How to break windows password ?

Step 1: Safe mode

Picture of Safe mode
Boot windows in "safe mode with command prompt".
Select the Administrative account.

Step 2: Change password

Picture of Change password
Open Command Prompt and type the following command

net user 

: Here type the user-name of which, the password you want to hack

: Here type new password

Don't type "<" & ">"

For example : net user Tim x
I typed user-name & a new password as x


Done reboot the computer and when it prompt for password, type x and hit the enter

How to Remove Write Protection from a USB Drive

kingston dt101 8gb usb flash drive   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive
Write protection, when applied to a USB drive, prevents unauthorized users from adding to, changing or deleting anything contained on the drive. Using write protection, you can circulate the drive among several users with the assurance that each user will see the same message. You can also prevent inadvertent deletion of the drive’s data. To permanently remove write protection from your USB drive, you need to format the drive. Before doing so, copy any files you want to save to another storage unit.

Permanently Remove Write Protection


open cmd as administrator   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

You should now see the Command Line Utility, which looks like the following.
command line utility   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

Type in the command DISKPART and hit Enter. Diskpart is a disk-partitioning tool that is built into Windows and is accessible through the Command Line Utility. With it, we can change the values associated with your USB drive.
diskpart   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

Now type LIST DISK and hit Enter. You should see a table something like the one below. It shows two disks being available: the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) as Disk 0, and the USB flash drive as Disk 1. We know that the USB flash drive is Disk 1 because it is much smaller than Disk 0 at only 7441 MB versus 298 GB. Be very careful from here on out! You can see that if you start working with the wrong disk, things can get ugly quicker than when the lights come on at last call.
At this point, type SELECT DISK 1 and hit Enter. You’ll be rewarded with the knowledge that Disk 1 is now the selected disk. Type in ATTRIBUTES DISK, and Diskpart will tell you what you want to know about your flash drive. Most important is the first line Current Read-only State: Yes. This lets us know that, indeed, the flash drive is write protected.
To remove the write protection with Diskpart, type the command ATTRIBUTES DISK CLEAR READONLY. If it works, that will be confirmed by the line Disk attributes cleared successfully.
completed diskpart remove readonly   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

Double-check this by trying to copy a small file to your USB drive. If it works, great. If you still get the write-protect error, it’s time to bring out the big guns. Software utilities.

Plan B

Disk Formatting Test Method

The test bed for these utilities is a Windows 7 computer with a Kingston DataTraveler DT101 G2 8GB USB 2.0 drive.
kingston dt101 8gb usb flash drive   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

Before each test, the drive has a test file placed on it and the drive is write protected via the Diskpart tool. The USB drive is then removed from the computer and reinserted. This ensures that the computer is reading the most recent attributes. Skipping this step sometimes results in Windows Explorer not being able to see the drive.
The USB drive attributes are checked in Diskpart and an attempt is made to copy another test file to the USB drive. If the copy fails then it can be safely assumed that the write protection is working.
The formatting utility is then run on the test drive. If it ends with a success screen, then the USB drive is checked in Windows Explorer to see if the test file is still there. If the test file is gone, the utility is declared to have formatted the USB drive successful.
To see if the formatting removed the write protection, an attempt is made to copy the test file to the USB drive. If the file copies successfully, the write protection has been removed. If not, then the drive attributes are checked via the Diskpart tool to see if the drive is still write protected, and accessible by the computer.
We’ll only talk about the utilities that did work on this particular drive. Other formatting and USB drive utilities may work on your drive, especially if it is something provided by the maker of your drive. If the maker’s utility doesn’t work for you, consider going to the place where you bought it or contacting the maker. Many of them offer repair or replacement services.

USB Formatting Utilities

Apacer USB3.0 Repair Tool

The Apacer USB 3.0 Repair tool has two functions – format and and restore. It’s no-frills.
apacer usb format   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

As you can imagine, format is intended to format the USB drive and restore is meant to make your USB flash drive work again. How the restore function works is by performing a low level format. That completely wipes your USB drive and restores it back to its factory default values.
apacer usb format restore   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

The format did work on the test drive, however the write protection was still intact. The restore function also formatted the flash drive and renamed it PUBLIC, but still the write protection was intact.
apacer usb format success   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

If neither of these functions works on your Apacer USB drive, Apacer does have a statement on their website asking you to contact, “…the authorized Apacer dealer or distributor that you original purchased the product to get replacement, if the flash drive still can not be repaired.”

Kingston Format Utility

As soon as the software was started, it identified the drive, and it’s current file system.
kingston usb format utility   How To Format A Write Protected USB Flash Drive

Very quickly, it worked, but still left the flash drive write protected. Like the Apacer tool, it changed the name of the drive as well, but to Kingston instead of Public. It wasn’t terribly surprising that it worked, with the test drive being a Kingston product.

The Takeaway

These two programs were the only ones that worked on formatting test drive, so they very well may work on your drive. However, the programs did not remove the write protection, which was what we really wanted to happen.
As was noted before, check the website of your USB flash drive manufacturer to see if they have a program that might help you, or a repair or replacement service. Remember to try all the steps mentioned in the fixing write protection errors on a USB pen drive article as well as the instructions for changing attributes in Diskpart. If all of that doesn’t work, you might want to put on your stomping boots, do the Office Space dance on it, and head down to your local retailer to get a new one.
If you’ve found another way to format a write protected flash drive and remove the write protection, we’d love to read about it in the comments. After all, we’re all in this together.

Friday, 28 November 2014

How To Fix a Computer That Won't Turn On

It's a dreadful way to start a day - you press the power button on your computer and nothing happens. Few computer problems are more frustrating than when your computer won't boot.
There are many reasons why a computer won't turn on and often very few clues about what might be the problem. The only symptom is usually the simple fact that "nothing works" which isn't much to go on.
Add to this the fact that whatever is causing your computer not to start could be an expensive part of your PC to replace - like the motherboard or CPU.
Do not fear because all may not be lost! Here's what you need to do:
  1. Read #1 below (it'll make you feel better).
  2. Pick the best troubleshooting guide (#2 - #9) based on how your computer is acting or #10 if your PC stops at any point because of an error message.
Note: The "computer won't start" troubleshooting guides below apply to all PC devices. In other words, they'll help if your desktop or laptop won't turn on, or even if your tablet won't turn on. I'll call out any important differences along the way.
Also, all are applicable no matter what Windows operating system you have installed on your hard drive, including Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. Steps 1 through 5 even apply to other PC operating systems like Linux.
Frustrated man at computer - Blend Images/Hill Street Studios/Vetta/Getty Images 

1. Don't Panic! Your Files are Probably OK

When faced with a computer that won't start most people tend to panic, worried that all the data on their PC is gone forever.
It's true that the most common reason a computer won't start is because a piece of hardware has failed or is causing a problem but that hardware isn't usually a hard drive, the part of your computer that stores all of your files.
In other words, your music, documents, emails, and videos are probably safe - just not accessible at the moment.
So take a deep breath and try to relax. There's a good chance you can figure out exactly why your computer won't start and then get it back up and running.

Don't Want to Fix This Yourself?

See How Do I Get My Computer Fixed? for a full list of your support options, plus help with everything along the way like figuring out repair costs, getting your files off, choosing a repair service, and a whole lot more.
Online Programs from India's Largest University
Improve Your Computer Skills, Sign Up Now For Free Online Courses
Photo of an Acer Aspire AZC-606-UR24 All-in-One Desktop - © Acer, Inc.

2. Computer Shows No Sign of Power

Try these steps if your computer will not turn on and is showing no sign at all of receiving power - no fans running and no lights on the laptop or tablet, nor on the front of the computer's case if you're using a desktop.
Important: You may or may not see a light on the back of your desktop PC depending on the kind of power supply you have and the exact cause of the problem. This goes for the power adapter you may be using for your tablet or laptop as well.
How To Fix a Computer That Shows No Sign of Power
Note: Don't worry about the monitor yet, assuming you're using a desktop or an external display. If the computer is not turning on because of a power issue then the monitor certainly can't display anything from the computer. Your monitor light will likely be amber/yellow if your computer has stopped sending information to it. More »
Photo of an HP 18-5110 18.5-Inch All-in-One Desktop - © HP
© HP

3. Computer Powers On... and Then Off

Follow these steps if, when you turn your computer on, it promptly powers back off.
You'll probably hear the fans inside your computer turn on, see some or all of the lights on your computer turn on or flash, and then it will all stop.
You won't see anything on the screen and you may or may not hear beeps coming from the computer before it shuts off by itself.
How To Fix a Computer That Turns On and Then Off
Note: As in the previous scenario, don't worry about the state your external monitor is in, if you have one. You may have a monitor issue as well but it's not possible to troubleshoot it quite yet. More »

Photo of a Dell UltraSharp U2412M 24-Inch LED Monitor - © Dell, Inc.
© Dell, Inc.

4. Computer Powers On But Nothing Happens

If your computer seems to be receiving power after turning it on but you don't see anything on the screen, try these troubleshooting steps.
In these situations, the power lights will stay on, you'll likely hear the fans inside your computer running (assuming it has any), and you may or may not hear one or more beeps coming from the computer.
How To Fix a Computer That Turns On But Displays Nothing
This situation is probably the most common in my experience working with computers that won't start. Unfortunately it's also one of the most difficult to troubleshoot. More »
Photo of a Dell Inspiron i3531-1200BK Laptop - © Dell, Inc.
© Dell, Inc.

5. Computer Stops or Continuously Reboots During the POST

Use this guide when your computer powers on, shows at least something on the screen, but then stops, freezes, or reboots over and over again during the Power On Self Test (POST).
The POST on your computer may happen in the background, behind your computer maker's logo (as shown here with the Dell laptop), or you may actually see frozen test results or other messages on the screen.
How To Fix Stopping, Freezing, and Reboot Issues During the POST
Important: Don't use this troubleshooting guide if you encounter an issue during the loading of the operating system, which occurs after the Power On Self Test is complete. Troubleshooting Windows related reasons why your computer won't turn on begin with #6 below. More »

Screnshot of a 0x5C / HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 8 -

6. Windows Begins to Load But Stops or Reboots on a BSOD

If your computer begins to load Windows but then stops and displays a blue screen with information on it then try these steps. You may or may not see the Windows splash screen before the blue screen appears.
This kind of error is called a STOP error but is more commonly referred to as a Blue Screen of Death or a BSOD. Receiving a BSOD error is a common reason why a computer won't turn on.
How To Fix Blue Screen of Death Errors
Important: Choose this troubleshooting guide even if the BSOD flashes on screen and your computer restarts automatically without giving you time to read what it says. More »

7. Windows Begins to Load But Stops or Reboots Without an Error

Try these steps when your computer powers on, starts to load Windows, but then freezes, stops, or reboots over and over again without generating any kind of error message.
The stopping, freezing, or reboot loop may happen on the Windows splash screen (shown here) or even on a black screen, with or without a flashing cursor.
How To Fix Stopping, Freezing, and Reboot Issues During Windows Startup
Important: If you suspect that the Power On Self Test is still going on and that Windows has not yet started to boot, a better troubleshooting guide for why your computer won't turn on might be #5 above. It's a fine line and sometimes hard to tell.
Note: If your computer won't start and you see a blue screen flash or remain on the screen, you're experiencing a Blue Screen of Death and should use troubleshooting guide #6 above. More »
Screenshot of the Startup Settings menu in Windows 8 -

8. Windows Repeatedly Returns to Startup Settings or ABO

Use this guide when nothing but the Startup Settings (Windows 8 - shown here) or Advanced Boot Options (Windows 7/Vista/XP) screen appears every time your restart your computer and none of the Windows startup options work.
In this situation, no matter which Safe Mode option you choose, your computer eventually stops, freezes, or restarts on its own, after which you find yourself right back at the Startup Settings or Advanced Boot Options menu.
How To Fix a Computer That Always Stops at Startup Settings or Advanced Boot Options
This is a particularly annoying way in which your computer won't turn on because you're trying to use Windows' built-in ways to solve your problem but you're getting nowhere with them. More »

9. Windows Stops or Reboots On or After the Login Screen

Try this troubleshooting guide when your computer powers on, Windows shows the login screen, but then freezes, stops, or reboots here or anytime after.
How To Fix Stopping, Freezing, and Reboot Issues During Windows Login
The stopping, freezing, or reboot loop may happen on the Windows login screen, as Windows is logging you in (as shown here), or any time up to Windows fully loading. More »
NTLDR is Missing -
NTLDR is Missing.

10. Computer Doesn't Fully Start Because of an Error Message

If your computer turns on but then stops or freezes at any point, showing an error message of any kind, then use this troubleshooting guide.
Error messages are possible at any stage during your computer's boot process, including during the POST, at any time during the loading of Windows, all the way up to the Windows desktop appearing.
How To Fix Errors Seen During the Computer Startup Process
Note: The only exception to using this troubleshooting guide for an error message is if the error is a Blue Screen of Death. See #6 above for a better troubleshooting guide for BSOD issues. More »

More "Computer Won't Turn On" Tips

Still can't get your computer to turn on? See Get More Help for information about contacting me for more help on social networks or via email, posting on tech support forums, and more.

How to Format a Computer with Windows 7

Warning - Formatting hard drive information does not permanently erase the data. Even after a computer has been formatted, deleted files can be easily recovered. If you want to permanently wipe your hard drive by completely overwritting hard drive data, check out WipeDrive.
To format your hard disk during Windows 7 installation, you'll need to start, or boot, your computer using the Windows 7 installation disc or USB flash drive.
  1. Turn on your computer so that Windows starts normally, insert the Windows 7 installation disc or USB flash drive, and then shut down your computer.
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Press any key when prompted, and then follow the instructions that appear.
  4. On the Install Windows page, enter your language and other preferences, and then click Next.
  5. If the Install Windows page doesn't appear, and you're not asked to press any key, you might need to change some system settings. To learn how to do this, see Start your computer from a Windows 7 installation disc or USB flash drive.

On the Please read the license terms page, if you accept the license terms, click I accept the license terms, and then click Next.
On the Which type of installation do you want? page, click Custom.
On the Where do you want to install Windows? page, click Drive options (advanced).
Click the partition that you want to format and click Format.
If you have more than one partition on this hard drive and want to get rid them to make one big drive again, then select a partition and click on the Delete option for each partition. Once you have deleted all of the partitions, select the Unallocated Space partition and click Format.
Pick the formatting option that you want.
When you've finished formatting, click Next.
Follow the instructions to finish installing Windows 7, which include naming your computer and setting up an initial user account.
If you do not want to reinstall Windows 7, you can cancel the installation at this point and keep your newly formatted drives.

How to Format a Computer with Windows Vista

Warning - Formatting hard drive information does not permanently erase the data. Even after a computer has been formatted, deleted files can be easily recovered. If you want to permanently wipe your hard drive by completely overwritting hard drive data, check out WipeDrive.
To format your hard disk during Windows Vista installation, you'll need to start, or boot, your computer using the Windows Vista installation disc or USB flash drive.
  1. Turn on your computer so that Windows starts normally, insert the Windows Vista installation disc, and then shut down your computer.
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Press any key when prompted, and then follow the instructions that appear.
  4. On the Install Windows page, follow any instructions that are displayed, and then click Install now.
  5. If the Install Windows page doesn't appear, and you're not asked to press any key, you might need to change some system settings. To learn how to do this, see Start Windows from a CD or DVD.
On the Get important updates for installation page, we recommend getting the latest updates to help ensure a successful installation and to help protect your computer against security threats. You will need an Internet connection to get installation updates.
On the Type your product key for activation page, do one of the following:
  1. If you are reinstalling Windows Vista, you should enter your product key now.
  2. If you are not reinstalling Windows Vista, you can skip this step.
On the Please read the license terms page, if you accept the license terms, click I accept the license terms.
On the Which type of installation do you want? page, click Custom.
On the Where do you want to install Windows? page, click Drive options (advanced).
Click the partition that you want to format and click Format
If you have more than one partition on this hard drive and want to get rid them to make one big drive again, then select a partition and click on the Delete option for each partition. Once you have deleted all of the partitions, select the Unallocated Space partition and click Format
Pick the formatting option that you want.
When you've finished formatting, click Next.
Follow the instructions to finish installing Windows Vista, which include naming your computer and setting up an initial user account.
If you do not want to reinstall Windows Vista, you can cancel the installation at this point and keep your newly formatted drives.

How to Format a Computer with Windows XP

    Warning - Formatting hard drive information does not permanently erase the data. Even after a computer has been formatted, deleted files can be easily recovered. If you want to permanently wipe your hard drive by completely overwritting hard drive data, check out WipeDrive.
  1. The first step in learning how to format a computer with Windows XP or 2000, is to insert Windows CD and restart your computer.
  2. Your computer should automatically boot from the CD to the Windows Setup Menu.
  3. At the Welcome to Setup page, press ENTER.
  4. Press F8 to accept the Windows XP Licensing Agreement.
  5. If an existing Windows XP installation is detected, you are prompted to repair it. To bypass the repair, press ESC.
  6. Use the ARROW keys to select the partition or the unpartitioned space where you want to create a new partition. Press D to delete an existing partition, or press C to create a new partition.
  7. Type the size in megabytes (MB) that you want to use for the new partition, and then press ENTER, or just press ENTER to create the partition with the maximum size.
  8. Select the format option that you want to use for the partition (Recommended: NTFS), and then press ENTER.
  9. After the Windows Setup program formats the partition, follow the instructions that appear on the screen to continue installing Windows.

How to Format with Windows 95, 98, or ME

Warning - Formatting hard drive information does not permanently erase the data. Even after a computer has been formatted, deleted files can be easily recovered. If you want to permanently wipe your hard drive by completely overwritting hard drive data, check out WipeDrive.
To reinstall Windows, you need a Startup Diskette and a Windows Installation CD.
Download the Startup Diskette Creator
Note: We recommend using the Startup Diskette available on this page. Other Windows Startup Diskettes may not work with the following steps.
  1. Insert the Startup Diskette into the floppy drive and restart your computer.
  2. Select option #1 - Start the computer with CD-ROM support.
  3. After a minute or so, you will see "A:>_".
  4. Type "fdisk" and press Enter.
  5. If asked to enable large disk support, select Y for Yes. (Note: Some versions of Windows 95 may not be compatible with large disk support. Select N here if it does not support the FAT32 file system.)
  6. Select Option #1 - Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive.
  7. Select Option #1 - Create Primary DOS Partition.
  8. The drive integrity will be verified.
  9. Unless you are planning to make multiple partitions, select Y when asked if you want to use the maximum available size for the partition and to make the partition active.
  10. The drive integrity will be verified again.
  11. When completed press the Esc key to exit fdisk.
  12. Without removing the floppy disk, press the reset button on the computer or press the keys Ctrl then Alt then
    Delete and release them together. This will restart the computer.
  13. Again, select the option to Start the computer with CD-ROM support.
  14. When you see A:>, directly above it is a message about your CD-ROM drive. It will tell you the letter assigned to your CD-ROM drive, take note of it.
  15. At the A:>, type "format C:" and press Enter.
  16. Press the Y key then the enter key when asked if you want to proceed with the format.
  17. The format will probably take some time, so be patient.
  18. You will be asked to choose a Volume Label, which is a name for your hard drive. It has no effect on the operation of your computer, you may choose any name you like.

Reinstalling older versions of Windows

How to Reinstall Windows XP

  1. To reinstall Windows XP or 2000, imply insert Windows CD and restart your computer.
  2. If your hard drive has not been formatted, Windows XP will walk you through the formatting process described above
  3. Your computer will automatically boot from the CD and begin the installation process

How to Reinstall Windows 95, 98, or ME

  1. After formatting your hard drive as described above, insert the Startup Diskette into the floppy drive and restart your computer.
  2. Select option #1 - Start the computer with CD-ROM support.
  3. After a minute or so, you will see "A:>_".
  4. Place the Windows Install CD into the CD-ROM drive.
  5. Type "E:" (where E is the letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive) and press Enter key.
  6. Type "dir" and press Enter. You will see something like the following:
  7. Volume in drive E is 020409_1121 Directory of E: WIN98_SE 04-09-02 11:21a 0 file(s)0 bytes 1 dir(s)0 bytes free
  8. WIN98_SE is a directory, as indicated by the "" after it.
  9. Type "cd WIN98_SE", replacing WIN98_SE with the result from above, then press the Enter key.
  10. Type "dir" and press the Enter key.
  11. If you see: SETUP somewhere in the output, then type "cd SETUP" and press the Enter key. Otherwise, skip this step.
  12. Type "SETUP" and press the Enter key to begin the Windows setup program.
  13. Simply follow the prompts to install Windows.
  14. Remove the Windows Startup Diskette when prompted.

WipeDrive: Wipe All Data Before Formatting

Deleted files can be recovered even after a computer has been formatted!
A recent study of 129 old hard drives (many of them formatted) revealed more than 5,000 credit card numbers, medical correspondences, love letters, pornography, bank account information, and other confidential data. To protect yourself from identity theft, erase ALL data before formatting a hard drive.
Do you need to know:
How to format a computer before selling or donating a system.
How to format a computer to erase personal data before returning it to an employer.
How to format a computer with an operating system damaged by viruses or spyware.
How to format a computer in compliance with government regulations (including HIPAA).
Learn how to format a computer to US Department of Defense specifications. WipeDrive is one of only five DoD approved products that knows how to format a computer using the DoD 5220.22-M standard for disk sanitation. This standard involves far more than an ordinary drive format and includes multiple overwrites with random characters.

How to Format a Computer Securely With WipeDrive

WipeDrive is an easy-to-use disk sanitizing tool that boots from a CD or floppy disk.
Learning how to format a computer is as easy as inserting the WipeDrive disk and restarting your system.
WipeDrive will automatically load with prompts indicating how to format computer hard drive data to Department of Defense specifications.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

End of Windows XP

Windows XP Support Ends!

Contact PC Solutions for information and assistance
On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will end support for the decade-old Windows XP as well as Office 2003.
This means you will no longer receive updates, including security updates, for Windows XP from Microsoft.
The security and privacy implications of this event could have significant impacts on your business.
Work more securely
Without critical Windows XP security updates, your information may become vulnerable. Windows 8 Pro and the new Office offer enhanced security features like built-in firewall, anti-virus, rootkit malware protection and Rights Management for emails and attachments.
Get the latest software
Many software and hardware vendors will no longer support their products that run on Windows XP. Newer versions of your line of business apps are supported on Windows 8. For example, the new Office takes advantage of the modern Windows and will not run on Windows XP.
Stay supported
When problems arise, online and phone-based technical support will unfortunately no longer be available. Continue to work on a supported platform with Windows 8 Pro and the new Office.
Reduce downtime
The risks of business disruption could increase because of the lack of supported software, and the increasing age of hardware running Windows XP. Moving to Windows 8 Pro and the new Office in a timely, planned manner will reduce downtime later.
This is your opportunity to see how 10 years of innovation in both Windows 8 Pro and the new Office (either Office 365 or Office Standard 2013) can help your business. Just contact us to see what you've been missing.
Making the switch is easy
Moving off of Windows XP and Office 2003 couldn't be easier. With these special offers and our migration assistance, your switch to Windows 8 Pro and the new Office will be a snap.
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Contact PC Solutions for information and assistance
Windows 8 Pro
*Offer valid until June 20, 2013 on purchases of Windows 8 Pro and Office Standard 2013 together through the Open License program for up to 249 seats. Availability will vary by geography. Contact your Partner for exact pricing.  Limited to UPGRADES ONLY – Program not valid for new PC Purchases.
**Offer valid until June 20, 2013. Cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers.
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How to fix Windows corruption errors such as 0x80070002 and 0x80070057

To resolve this problem, use the inbox Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool. Then, install the Windows update or service pack again.
  1. Open an elevated command prompt. To do this, swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search. Or, if you are using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search. Type Command Prompt in the Search box, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.
  2. Type the following command, and then press Enter.
    It may take several minutes for the command operation to be completed.
    DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
    Important When you run this command, DISM uses Windows Update to provide the files that are required to fix corruptions. However, if your Windows Update client is already broken, use a running Windows installation as the repair source, or use a Windows side-by-side folder from a network share or from a removable media, such as the Windows DVD, as the source of the files. To do this, run the following command instead:
    DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:\RepairSource\Windows /LimitAccess
    Note Replace the C:\RepairSource\Windows placeholder with the location of your repair source. For more information about using the DISM tool to repair Windows, reference Repair a Windows Image.
  3. Close the command prompt, and then run Windows Update again.
DISM creates a log file (%windir%/Logs/CBS/CBS.log) that captures any issues that the tool found or fixed. %windir% is the folder in which Windows is installed. For example, the %windir% folder is C:\Windows.

Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008

To resolve this problem, use the System Update Readiness tool. Then, install the Windows update or service pack again.
  1. Download the System Update Readiness tool.
    Click the download link in the following table that corresponds to the version of Windows that is running on your computer.
    Find out if your computer is running the 32 or 64-bit version of Windows

    This tool is updated regularly, we recommend that you always download the latest version.

    Operating systemDownload link
    x86-based (32-bit) versions of Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 7
    x64-based (64-bit) versions of Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 7
    x64-based (64-bit) versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
    Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
    x86-based (32-bit) versions of Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Vista SP1
    x64-based (64-bit) versions of Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Vista SP1
    x86-based (32-bit)versions of Windows Server 2008 SP2
    x64-based (64-bit) versions of Windows Server 2008 SP2
    Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2008 SP2
  2. Install and run the tool.
    1. Click Download on the Download Center webpage, then do one of the following:
      • To install the tool immediately, click Open or Run, and then follow the instructions on your screen.
      • To install the tool later, click Save, and then download the installation file to your computer. When you're ready to install the tool, double-click the file.
    2. In the Windows Update Standalone Installer dialog box, click Yes.

    3. When the tool is being installed, it automatically runs. Although it typically takes less than 15 minutes to run, it might take much longer on some computers. Even if the progress bar seems to stop, the scan is still running, so don't click Cancel.

    4. When you see Installation complete, click Close.

    5. Reinstall the update or service pack you were trying to install previously.