Tuesday 11 March 2014

Check for solutions to software or hardware problems

 When some hardware or software problems occur—for example, if a program stops working or stops responding—Windows creates a problem report so you can check for a solution. You can check for solutions at any time, or you can set Windows to check for them automatically.

Automatically check for solutions

  1. Open Action Center by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, and then, under System and Security, clicking Review your computer's status.
  2. Click Maintenance.
  3. Under Check for solutions to problem reports, click Settings.
  4. Click Automatically check for solutions (recommended).


To check for solutions to problems at any time

  1. Open Action Center by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, and then, under System and Security, clicking Review your computer's status.
  2. Click Maintenance.
  3. Under Check for solutions to problem reports, click Check for solutions. Windows will notify you if there are any solutions to problems available for your computer.


  • Some problems and solutions can only be viewed and fixed by an administrator. Log on using an administrator account to view these problems.

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