Saturday, 9 May 2015

How to Improve Search Engine Optimization

Image result for How to Improve Search Engine OptimizationImage result for How to Improve Search Engine Optimization
Then, I must say SEO Optimization plays the most important role in maximizing the site's traffic. Site Optimization or website Optimization is very necessary to get organic traffic on blog from search engines.

It's pretty difficult task to show your site on the top or on the first page of any search engine. It needs very good site optimization SEO . Every search engine follows some algorithm to show sites on the top. So, friends today here we will learn some SEO Optimization tips and we'll do free search engine optimization on our blog or website without using any paid seo optimization software.
It's pretty difficult task to show your site on the top or on the first page of any search engine. It needs very good site optimization SEO . Every search engine follows some algorithm to show sites on the top. So, friends today here we will learn some SEO Optimization tips and we'll do free search engine optimization on our blog or website without using any paid seo optimization software.

Let's look all of the them Step by Step...

Step 1 :- Use Google Keyword popularly known as Google Adwords.

....In this method you just have to sign in to Google Adwords and have to pay some money to buy Keywords from Google. For example if you are paying for "solvemyhow" Keyword then whenever any user search on Google for "solvemyhow" your site will be displayed first !

....In this method you are not suppose to buy keyword from the Google and in return Google won't put your site on the top at this time you have to do a bit SEO Search Engine Optimization. In Google adwords you will get the option of "Tools >> Keyword Planner" in which you can search the Keyword and see how must it is Searched by others and you can use that particular keyword in your blog to rank it on the top.

It will simply give you the estimation about how much that particular word is searched and if you use that particular keyword in your blog it automatically improves your Search Engine Optimization SEO.

Step 2 :- Use Google Trends.
Google Trends let you know about the Trending Topics/searches on the web. It will let you know how often the particular item is been searched on the web. So, you will get the clear idea about what to write by looking at the trending topics.

Step 3 :- Use Google Products.
Do use Google Plus, Google Maps etc. Google will reward its user. Your registration on Google maps will improve your Search Engine Optimization SEO and you can also use Google Plus for sharing your blog's links and also for rich snippets.

Step 4 :- Write Original and Quality Content.
Obviously content is the King. Doesn't matter how much you are publicizing your blog/site but if you doesn't have quality content you can't be able to attract the visitors.

Also Read :- Read Some Blogger Post Here !

So, do no copy the content, as it will create wrong impression. Write original and descriptive content. Try to write on trending topics by using Google Trend and always use Google Keyword for good SEO. Do not Spam by doing very much use of Google Keywords. Be clear about what you are writing, do not mislead user by writing anything.

Always be Kind with your users, always thank them whenever they comment on your blog and regularly communicate with them, like it doesn't happens you reply their comment after 5-10 days.

Step 5 :- Website designing plays important role in attracting users.
The more your website/blog looks good will attract more and more users. You can also hire good website designer for your website designing. Use Photoshop a bit for editing images. 

Use various navigation, effects and animation in your website to attract users. I know everybody on the web is not the designer but you can hire one or use no coding requires website's building sites such as PagePicnic, WIX etc.

Step 6 :- Use Quality Images.
Images should be related/matched to the content you are writing. It should be original not copied from Google Images. Use proper designing tools to edit images and give them very attracting look which improve you SEO and you attract more and more users.

Step 7 :- Use Google webmaster tools and Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is the web service offered by Google, Used to measure your website's traffic and webmaster tool is used for indexing your website on Google or on any search engine. The well known search engine's are Google and Bing. 

Step 8 :- Submit Sitemap.
Sitemap is the list of pages of a website accessible to crawlers or users. There are many website available on the web for generating Sitemap. So, Simply generate Sitemap and submit it to Google and Bing. 

Step 9 :- Choose Good Domain name.
Use Google Keyword to select the domain name. Good domain name will boost your traffic. It should be short and sweet that can be easily rememberable to the users. Using good country TLD (top level domain) will surely boost your traffic locally but it may hurt international users. So, use that with caution. Try not to use numbers in the domain name.

If you are smart try to buy expired or auction domain from Godaddy or BigRock. As these domains has some reputation on the web. So, try to take profit of that.

Step 10 :- Use Description and Meta-tags.
Description of every page of your website is essential part to index your website on any search engine. Use proper meta tags as Google looks for it. You can mention your lables/subjects in the meta-tag part. Meta-tag has two essential fields.

  1. Title Tag :- Choose appropriate title to attract user as it is the only one which is shown to user by search engines. Google allows about 60 charters in the title while, yahoo allows 110 charters. So, every page should have unique and attractive title.
  2. META Description Tag :- Though this field is not important these days as many well reputed search engines doesn't support it now, But some search engine still supports it. So, after good title good description is required which tells about the topic. 
Step 11 :- Keep Site Clean and Simple.
Site should be very clean and simple with proper navigation and effects. It doesn't confused users. Don't show many ads on the site as it creates the wrong impression. Website should be fast enough, it should not load much as its very irritating.

This is the snap-shot of . You can see how simple and clean it is.

Step 12 :- Create Backlinks and Do Not Spam.
Backlink is something when another website link your page. So, why anybody will keep your website's link on there website ? For that you have to do some work :)

Write Guest Post, Link Exchange, Cross Promotion, Paid Advertising, Comment on the blogs/post which you like, But do not spam by commenting your post links.

While, Spamming means using much of Google Keywords, Copying one's Content, Comment your post's link which may lead you to remove entirely by Google.

Step 13 :- Use Social Media Power.
Well, right now Socializing your post on various social media is the most important thing which is rewarded by the Google. But do remember do not spam it.

Posting your website's links on various reputed websites such as 
  1. Facebook 
  2. Google Plus 
  3. Twitter
  4. Linkedin 
  5. Pinterest 
  6. Bloglovin 
  7. Technorati 
  8. StumbleUpon
  9. Tumblr
  10. Reddit
  11. Quora 
  13. alltop
  14. Digg
  15. Delicious
will give you good traffic.

Step 14 :- Update Your Site Regularly.
This is the most important step if you want your site on the top results in any search engines. Most search engines will reward the sites which are regularly or recently updated. So, try to add content regularly on your site.

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